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Image by Jared Rice




Gentle yoga is a soothing and accessible form of yoga that focuses on slow, flowing movements, deep breathing, and relaxation. It is well-suited for individuals of all fitness levels, including beginners and those with physical limitations, as it emphasizes gentle stretches and poses to promote flexibility, stress reduction, and overall well-being.


Yin for the Chakras

A Yin for Chakra class is a unique yoga practice that combines the principles of Yin yoga with a focus on the body's energy centers, or chakras. In this class, participants hold passive, deep stretches for extended periods to target specific chakras, promoting balance and alignment in these energy centers. This practice aims to enhance both physical and energetic well-being, allowing individuals to release blockages and cultivate a sense of harmony and vitality in their body and mind.


Crystal Bowl Sound Healing

Crystal bowl sound healing, also known as crystal singing bowl therapy, is a therapeutic practice that uses specially crafted crystal bowls to produce resonant and soothing sound vibrations. These bowls are typically made from a variety of quartz crystals and other minerals, and they are carefully tuned to produce specific frequencies. The practice is rooted in the belief that sound vibrations can have a profound impact on the body, mind, and spirit.



Gong Sound Bath

Gong meditation, also known as gong bath, involves the use of gongs and other resonant instruments to create soothing and immersive soundscapes. Participants typically lie down or sit comfortably as the vibrations from the gongs wash over them, promoting deep relaxation, stress reduction, and a heightened state of mindfulness. This practice is believed to have therapeutic effects on both the body and mind, facilitating a sense of inner peace and rejuvenation.

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Somatic Breathwork

Somatic breathwork is a therapeutic practice that focuses on using the breath to explore and release tension and emotions stored in the body. It combines elements of mindfulness, conscious breathing, and body awareness to facilitate a deeper connection between the mind and the physical self. Practitioners are guided to pay attention to their breath and bodily sensations, and through intentional breathing patterns, they can release physical and emotional blockages. Somatic breathwork is often used to reduce stress, increase self-awareness, and promote healing from trauma or emotional challenges. It is a holistic approach that acknowledges the interplay between the body, mind, and emotions in promoting well-being.


Ashtanga Half Primary Series

The Ashtanga half primary series is a modified version of the traditional Ashtanga yoga primary series. It includes a selection of key postures and sequences from the full primary series, focusing on building strength, flexibility, and balance in the body. Practicing the half primary series is a step towards mastering the complete Ashtanga primary series and involves a dynamic and physically demanding flow of postures that emphasizes breath, movement, and concentration.


Lotus Ceremony

Hand crafted pink, blue, and yellow lotus through spagyric elixirs, blended oils, and tea.

What to expect: sampling and anointings, meditations, contemplation, and JOY!

If you like you can bring: your special or sacred tea cup, a blanket, journal and pen for capturing your experiences for better understanding and epiphanies, water.


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Restorative yoga is a gentle and deeply relaxing form of yoga that focuses on relaxation and rejuvenation. It involves a series of passive poses held for extended periods, often supported by props such as blankets, bolsters, and straps. This practice aims to release tension, reduce stress, and promote deep physical and mental relaxation, making it an ideal choice for those seeking a gentle, therapeutic, and restful yoga experience.


Kundalini Yoga 

Kundalini yoga is a dynamic and spiritually-oriented form of yoga that aims to awaken and harness the dormant energy believed to be coiled at the base of the spine, known as "kundalini." This practice combines postures, breathing exercises, mantra chanting, and meditation to activate this energy and promote spiritual growth. Kundalini yoga is characterized by its emphasis on the flow of energy and the pursuit of higher consciousness, making it a unique and transformative yoga practice that can be both physically challenging and spiritually enlightening.


Meditation w/Enhanced biofeedback

Meditation with enhanced biofeedback is a practice that combines traditional meditation techniques with the use of biofeedback technology to gain greater insight into one's physiological and mental state. During this meditation, individuals typically wear sensors or monitors that measure various bodily functions like heart rate, brainwave patterns, and even skin conductance. This real-time feedback helps practitioners understand how their mental and physical states are influenced by their thoughts, emotions, and meditation efforts, allowing them to fine-tune their practice for improved relaxation, stress reduction, and overall well-being. It can be a powerful tool for those seeking to deepen their meditation experience and achieve specific health or mental wellness goals.


Trail Walking

Hinkley Lake, located in Cold Brook, NY, is a popular destination for outdoor enthusiasts seeking a scenic and serene place to hike. Join Krysia Korenicki for a hike around the trails. Please wear proper attire for the weather.



Yoga held outside in the winter, often referred to as "winter yoga" or "Frozen Yoga (FroYo)," is a unique and invigorating experience that combines the benefits of yoga practice with the crisp, cold, and serene ambiance of the winter season. Practicing yoga in the winter months can be quite refreshing, provided you take certain precautions and adapt your practice to the cold weather. Please wear gloves and hats.


Crystal Healing

Crystal healing is a holistic and alternative therapy that involves the use of various gemstones and crystals to promote physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Practitioners believe that each crystal has its own unique energy and properties, and by placing or wearing them on or near the body, one can harness these energies to facilitate healing, balance, and alignment.

Crystal healing practices can vary, but they typically involve selecting specific crystals based on their metaphysical properties and the needs of the individual. These crystals may be placed on or around the body's energy centers or chakras, used in meditation, worn as jewelry, or even infused in water for consumption. Proponents of crystal healing claim that it can help with various issues, such as stress reduction, emotional healing, and physical ailments, though scientific evidence supporting these claims is limited.

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Qi Gong

Qigong exercises are designed to promote the flow of qi throughout the body's energy pathways, or meridians, in order to enhance physical and mental well-being. These exercises can vary widely, from simple, static postures to more complex, flowing sequences, and they are often performed slowly and mindfully. Qigong is known for its ability to reduce stress, improve flexibility and balance, enhance overall physical health, and increase mental clarity and focus.


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Yoga Nidra w/Sound Healing

Yoga Nidra with sound healing is a deeply relaxing and meditative practice that combines the systematic guided meditation of Yoga Nidra with the therapeutic vibrations of sound instruments like singing bowls or gongs. Participants are guided into a state of profound relaxation while immersed in the soothing sounds, which are believed to help alleviate stress, promote mental clarity, and restore overall balance and well-being.

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Human Design Workshop

Harmonic JourneyingTM is a collaborative, practical mentoring structure that uniquely supports ‘Your’ personal evolution through life and offers you the ability to begin; “Being Your Empowered Self and Living Free”.

In this Workshop you will be introduced to what Human Design is and how you can break free from your conditioned false-self and its ways of thinking and living. You will learn a basic understanding of the 4 Core Jewels of your Human Design Treasure Map (BodyGraph). These Jewels offer personal guidance and empowerment through life’s choices! It presents a tangible resource with which to function in and reclaim a life of fulfillment, vitality and harmonic alignment with your Authentic Self!


"Empathic Navigation: Finding Your Compass in a World of Sensitivity"

Are you affected by others' emotions and pain?
- Struggle to differentiate your own energy from external influences?
- Find it challenging to detach from these energies?

Join our interactive class as we delve into the distinct characteristics and obstacles faced by empaths. You'll discover how to:
- Effectively manage your sensitivity using energy-based techniques
- Shield and disconnect energetically
- Locate your personal compass for navigating the world.

Registrations for Classes will be open for Pass Holders December 26, 2023.

More Classes Being Added.

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